Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Chinese, 10,450 feet, and an "Itty-Bitty Living Space".

Well, Jackson just keeps getting busier and busier!

The Chinese tourists are piling into big tour buses and taking over this little town. Many of the rich orientals, or rather the ones who rent big American suburbans instead of suffering on a tour bus, drive for the first time in their lives here in Jackson! Woohoo! They consistently go 25 in a 50 and are sure to encourage excessive horn honking from everyone around them.

They're nice enough though. We have heard that town square looks like a mini Hong Kong in the dead of summer, so that'll be lots of fun.

Bless them. They take pictures of everything! Signs, bugs, benches, rocks, YOU NAME IT! We witnessed a sweet Chinese lady taking multiple pictures of a small pebble yesterday. A pebble. I dunno, they must look different on the other side of the world or something..

While visiting Yellowstone yesterday, we ate our packed lunch and waited for Old Faithful to blow. 20 minutes before the actual "eruption", a Chinese family sat down in front of us and promptly took out their camera's and phones and held them up, waiting.. They sat in the same position for 15 minutes straight, for fear of missing it.

We had more fun watching them than we did watching Ol' Faith!

Along with the hundreds of Chinese people, we saw a bunch of buffalo! It was so fun to see them up close. HUGE CREATURES!

We have still yet to see a blessed moose! I just want to see one as close as possible (at a safe distance of course) and experience all of its moosely grandeur. Hopefully that day isn't too far off! 

We also got to see The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. I asked Corey why Yellowstone was called Yellowstone and he took me to the namesake. 

Last week we went on the Jackson Hole Tram that took us 10,450 feet above the valley. It was 60 and sunny down below, but 30 and freezing up top.

There is a little waffle shack at the top, so we decided to treat ourselves to a mountain waffle - thinking it would be something spectacular. Well, Bonnie gave our $8.49 waffle a little wipe of Nutella (and when I mean little, I mean little) and folded it up in some tin foil. It was the most humble, expensive waffle we've ever eaten, but it was consumed on the top of a mountain, so how bad can we complain? :) There's no picture of it because it would bring shame to my blog, lol. 

Camper life is treating us well. The 150 feet of living space can get into our heads sometimes, but we are making do! It's a good thing the weather is (slowly) getting nicer here, so we can get out of our "itty-bitty living space" (here's a pull for you to go see the new Aladdin, it's FABULOUS!) and enjoy the beautiful area around us. 

We feel so lucky to be spending our summer here, in this tiny camper, in this beautiful valley, making memories to last us a lifetime! 

I can't wait to tell you all about our housekeeping experiences, the characters we continually meet, and the faith building moments that we are having. 

Till next time!


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