Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pay It Forward

The adventures in Jackson continue! 

We got a new mattress in the camper, so we now sleep like babies and it rocks! We have completely adjusted to camper life, and I have to say, it's a good life to be living (short term;).

This week, Corey and I worked completely opposite shifts, which was pretty tough. We were only able to see each other for about 3 hours in the 5 days that we worked. I felt this longing for my best friend that I hadn't felt in a really long time. 

In Rexburg, we worked the same shift at the same place, went to campus at the same time, and did homework together every evening for hours on end. Missing him this week reminded me how grateful I am to have someone that I can miss and that I know misses me just as much. (S/O to you military wives and anyone else who spends weeks and months away from their love, I don't know how ya'll do it!)

We met some beautiful, interesting people this week, and I can't wait to tell you all about them!

Jackson Hole, as you probably know, attracts tourists from all over the world. So far we've met a lot of Aussies and Chinese people, as well as the countless American families from all over the U.S.. 

Something that I love about working in such a beautiful, happy, touristy place is that the people we meet are generally happy, because they are on vacation. Smiles are not in short supply here. 😃

As I was working the convenience store this week, a Chinese man came in and asked if he could use his international credit card to get gas. I ran the card multiple times, but it just wouldn't work with our system. I gently asked if they had American currency or another card to use, then a young girl - not much older than myself - stepped forward and said "Is it okay if I take care of it?" 

I was stunned. I repeatedly asked her if she was sure, and she humbly smiled and nodded. She looked at the couple and said, "Thank you for visiting America!" I looked at the Chinese man and said, "This woman is going to buy your gas for you, okay?" I don't believe he quite understood what I meant until I told him to go and pump his gas and to not worry about it. 

Five minutes later, after the generous woman was long gone, the man came in with tears filling his eyes. He looked at me and asked if she was local and if I knew how he could thank her properly. I told him I'd never seen her before, but that all he could do was to PAY IT FORWARD for someone else at a future time. I believe he understood me. 

It was a tender moment for me to be a first-hand witness to human generosity. I LOVE PEOPLE (especially the kind, kind;)! 

That same day, I was the witness to a Chinese tourist giving his entire car a thorough wash with the windshield washer thing at the pump. He was out there for twenty minutes or so, making sure to get every inch of his rental car absolutely spotless. It gave me a good laugh!

The following day, Corey was painting the store when a Chinese woman came in yelling "GAS! GAS!" as she ran for the paper towels. She was taking the pump out of her car but never let go of the handle, so the gas went spewing everywhere. LOL. 

These foreign people will keep us entertained all summer, guaranteed. 

As for housekeeping, it's pretty chill and easy. We clean up the mess, cross our fingers for a tip, and move on to the next room. There's a lot of small, curly black hairs in the bathrooms that can trigger a recall of what I had for lunch, but I'm learning to control that urge. 😁

We truly are living the dream up here in Jackson. We are looking forward to warmer weather, so we can enjoy the nature around us as much as possible! 

Come and visit!

Syd & Corey 💙

The Tetons

Kissessss :) 

Frozen Jenny Lake

The throne of Jackson..or something like that.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Camper Chronicles

The week of April 17th began with stuffing our 1999 Buick with everything we would need for 4 1/2 months away from home. Yes, we could see out the back window...barely.

Let me give you a little back story on this move to Jackson, Wyoming.

We accepted positions to work at the Flat Creek Inn back in March. We knew then that we would be living in a camper trailer for the summer. I know, right? Corey grew up going on trips in campers all the time, but I had only stepped foot in one maybe twice in my life. Obviously I was (and still am) skeptical about how drastically our lives would change in such a short period of time.

Up our arrival, we were put in a room until our trailer was ready. My fingers were crossed that something might happen to the trailer while in transit from the storage unit. No such luck.

That week in the hotel room for me was filled with a nasty stomach bug and a mysterious rash on my face that lasted for two weeks. Lol, I was not at my best. Life is good now, and we think the rash was caused by the laundry detergent used by the hotel. I guess my face and stomach are super sensitive to EVERYTHING...who knew?

Fast forward to our lovely little "camper sweet camper" (I've gotta get that embroidered somewhere). We cleaned it until we felt comfortable living in it (an undisclosed amount of time) and then we started moving in! Woohoo!

Now let me see if I can sell you on this unique living situation...

There is a beautiful view of the National Elk Refuge, of which, you can't see the darn animals because they are to far away, but you can see and hear the highway that runs right in front of it. The sounds of the vehicles come in crystal clear through the thin panel siding of the camper. The dull roar of traffic is sure to put you to sleep at night!

The sheer lack of counter space means that you don't have cluttery counters, yay!

While walking from the "bathroom" to the "living-room" you'll find a pole that sticks out just enough for your pinky toe to catch it, stub it, and remind you that you are indeed living in a 22-foot camper.


I know you're jealous, but wait, it gets better!

The bed? Oh yeeesssss girl! It's carefully designed with two very thin layers of cloth that enclose the thousand springs which act as the mattress between them. Every time you roll over you'll find another spring that you never knew existed! It's like a new discovery every night. And trust me, you'll be up allllll night discovering.

The walkways were designed for 1 person and 1 person only. There's no place in the camper where you have a 1 foot clearance in all directions. But you're in luck because who needs personal space anyway?

6 & 1/2 foot ceilings are what you're lookin' at in this here camper. If you want to change clothes after a long day of work, be sure to sit down first or your fists will suffer the consequences.

You may wake up to a few inches of snow in the morning, but freezing does ya good, am I right?

With those freezing temps, you'll find the frozen water hose. You won't be able to rinse your mouth out with water after you brush your teeth in the morning, but I've always preferred orange juice instead, haven't you?

There's "plenty of storage" for the average minimalist in our lavish camper. You'll get really good at stuffing things in small crevices and then it's like a game when you want to find it again. The game is called "Honey, where'd you put it". This game is sure to cause red faces - of laughter or frustration you may ask? You'll have to play to find out! Good times!

And last but not least, you'll find the toilet, sink, and bathtub. The tub doubles as storage, holla! It's honestly too small to use anyway. Remember the part in Elf when Buddy is showering in that tiny shower? That scene was shot in this camper, guaranteed. Talk about upping the value!

The toilet doesn't work, but that's okay 'cause there's a big 'ole fly buzzing around down there and you don't want that thing getting loose! Best be keeping that shut.

If you need to use the toilet in the middle of the night, grab the keys and run to the nearest bathroom that is approximately 23 feet away. No biggie.

The bathroom sink has a plug that you need to take out to drain the water. The hole is big enough to swallow all your rings and a kiwi, so best keep clear of it!

This is our home for the next 4 1/2 months. Wanna visit?

No, seriously. Our couch and kitchen table fold down into beds. I'm not sure how the table bed works just yet, but I'm sure we can figure something out!

See you soon!

The Saunders

Famous square ice cream!

My sexy wanna-be cowboy :)

Yours truly!

Confessions and Stories From Our Summer in Jackson Hole

We are 3 days away from packing up our few belongings here in J.H. and venturing back to good ole' Rexburg. It's a bittersweet time...